Time to get a little dark, my sartorial darlings (or should that be ‘sartorial darklings’ for this post?).
While I had the Bare Rose Marketplace page open for the previous post, I happened upon this male outfit there. B@R doesn’t have that many male mesh outfits on Marketplace yet (so, ladies, you’re in luck more than us blokes – as per sodding usual!) but I did love this one. Bonus points for it being rigged but also editable in colour! It’s actually a bit lighter than I’m showing here, but I darkened the grey, and it still looks amazing, as well as fits the jet-black hair a tad better.

I’ve tried demos of hair by Monster before and they never really suited Skell, but recently the designer has really upped his game, and as a result I made multiple purchases in quick succession after demoing. Be warned: these hairs are made for avatars with smallish heads (not like Skell’s big bonce) and they will put your editing skills to the test, but they’re relatively simple to get right. Just size up manually until the overall shape is right (don’t over-do it, so you look like you’re wearing a hair helmet, for god’s sake) and then tweak individual hair prims into place. You’ll also want a hairbase for these, which you can find basic freebie packs of at most hair stores (ie: Amacci, Exile, etc).
Since I seemed to be hitting something of an anime look with the long coat and the hair, I decided to go all-out and goth it up. KOOQLA’s incredible Knight Templar skin with its inbuilt silvered cross on the face (Slink appliers for hands and feet are available at the store, too) and my trusty old cheap-as-chips but perfect eyeliner from 22769.

And then I busted out the blades, yeah. Remarkable Oblivion’s Patriarch swords. I love these things. I went for the unscripted versions, and I’ve managed to resize several copies of them to make short stabbing daggers and arm-length dual-fighting blades. The initial rez is very long, but they resize superbly.

Nail appliers by A:S:S, and set to ‘pointed’, as befits this creepy, dangerous little fucker. Mmm, I kinda like him.

The Bare Rose outfit comes complete with gloves for non-Slink hands, as well as boots. I’ll admit that, although the boots were okay, they rezzed small and the shape of them didn’t really work for me (especially as Skell is pretty much a giant by today’s avatar height standards) so I chose to wear a pair of boots by Guarded Cross instead. Not that they’re very visible in these pics, but hey ;-)

Larger versions of these pics will shortly be going up on my Flickr.
Coat: Bare Rose – Zot [ june.dion ]
Hair: Monster – Sparrow (this will scream) [ hisadrug ]
Skin: KOOQLA – Knight Templar (01) [ rocketta.haven ]
Boots: Guarded Cross – GC Ankle Boots [ ryosukito.felisimo ]
Eyes: IKON – Sunrise (light silver) [ ikon.innovia ]
Makeup: 22769 – Visage Guyliner [ mondra.kira ]
Weapons: Remarkable Oblivion – The Patriarch [ axsisthorn ]
Hands: Slink – AvEnhance Male Hands (curl) [ siddean.munro ]
Nail appliers: A:S:S – Crossed [ photos.nikolaidis ]
Poses: Niqotine[ niq.hax ]
– no longer available
Great to see Monster doing more involved pieces. I’ve been watching his stuff as well.
If you haven’t looked, scan through the women’s mesh at B@R- they do a lot of flat-chested female outfits that work just fine on guys. I’ve picked up a few of them.
Yeah, I demo’d quite a few of the Monster hairstyles a while ago (sorry, but I really do hate paying for demos, and that almost put me off again this time around, even though it’s only L$2 a pop) but most of them almost completely covered Skell’s face.
With the right look, that would be awesome, but I do like to see where I’m going most of the time ;-) These newer ones (I picked up ‘Swallow’, ‘Pro Percy’, ‘Astra’, and ‘Tosh’, and will probably go back for ‘Vale’ which is in-fucking-SANE) are really damn good, though.
I’ll check out the women’s Bare Rose stuff. I do have a couple of the older non-mesh items from the female section there, but with most ladies mesh I’m really wary these days, especially if there’s no demo.