I raise my flags, don my clothes
It’s a revolution, I suppose
We’re painted red to fit right in.
There’s a new Mens Dept collection, and this time around it’s a stonker. (Well, it’s always a stonker for someone, but quite often I struggle to find much more than the occasional accessory that Skell can wear.) I will say, though, that it’s rare to see Skell looking so, well… sluttishly illegal ;-)
As it’s the opening day today, be prepared for an ocean of grey textures. Do what Skell did: park yourself in a corner and go make a cup of tea (actually, go cook dinner, because it’s that laggy on Day One!) and when you come back everything should have rezzed. (If stuff’s still not rezzing, just grab all the demos, TP back home, and try on in rezzable comfort.)
The first thing I absolutely leapt on was this utility kilt from bastard. This is a line of clothing from Maxwell Graf of Rustica fame. It’s hard to find a kilt in SL that isn’t either: classic tartan, Gorean, or apocalyptic in style, and I’ve been dying for someone to make a decent, punky utility kilt. Maxwell’s gone and done it in style. Skell grabbed the black leather version (naturally) but you’ll find khaki and Black Watch tartan variants at Mens Dept, too.
(One word about this kilt: I was having hellish rezzing issues tonight, so this may have just been my computer, but I noticed some distortion of the kilt at one side, in certain poses. A raw shot of that will be at the end of this post, but don’t take my word for it. Try the demo, because this is a fabulous bit of work and, as I said, the distortion might have just been on my end of things. I’m only mentioning it here, in case others see it, too.)
After the kilt, Skell jumped on a sexy little offering from Aitui: the After School shirt, sweater, and tie combo. Be aware that Aitui’s mesh clothing is only offered in three sizes, with Medium being the largest. That means larger guys probably won’t be able to wear them. As it is, Skell sacrificed his shoulders and a bit of bicep for it, because it’s very much worth the effort. Pairing it with the utility kilt? Yeah, there’s a veeeeery faint hint of slutty schoolgirl about it, if you tilt your head and squint, and if there’s one thing I love, it’s gender ambiguity ;-)
Skell’s tattoos are from a new-to-me store: Identity Body Shop. You get a massive amount of tats in this pack: seven styles in all, on all layers (including clothing, which is useful if you’ve used all your tattoo layers up) and in both fresh and faded.
I’m not sure that the collar is still available. I picked it up in a hunt on the Pulse sim a couple of years back, but it’s from the Forsaken store, and that’s a great place to go for all things dark, gothy and punky.

Accessories! Skell’s rarely without makeup of some kind, and how gorgeous is this eye makeup set from Nomine? Even better: it’s marketed as a male style. Ladies, getcher own! :p
Skell’s ring (*koff*) is from a sugar skulls set by Lapointe & Bastchild. Given his name, it’s hardly surprising that Skell’s got a skull obsession, right? His earrings are from another new-to-me store: mE. Jewelry. I picked these up (along with many other items) at the current United Fashion Project event.
Also in this picture, Skell’s hair is the new Noah style from Uw.St at Mens Dept, and his piercings are another must-have from Pekka: the unisex Canion piercings, again at Mens Dept. Lastly, his nails are the (ever-present!) Gemma 2 nails from Rozoregalia.
If you’re going to be a sulky slutty schoolgirlboy then you need shitkicker boots, and these Studded Long Boots from J’s sure as hell fit the bill.
Other items worn include classic Sunrise Eyes from IKON (one of his older ranges, but still beautiful) and a limited edition (aka: probaby not available any more) Bennett skin from Fruk.
Lastly, a couple of raw shots. Unfortunately, since the Aitui shirt/sweater combo is in such a small size, the belt and partial waistband of the kilt will show through (Skell even wore the small size in the kilt, and it still showed) but, if you buy similar colours – in this case the black kilt and either the grey or black shirt/sweater – then it shouldn’t be too obvious:

And here’s that distortion on the kilt. Again, this may have just been my viewer, so please try the demo for yourself:

Credit time!
Kilt: bastard – Utility Kilt (leather)* [ maxwell.graf ]
Shirt: Aitui – After School (grey)* [ jesseaitui.petion ]
Boots: J’s – Studded Long Boots (black) [ jb.gazov ]
Hair: Uw.St – Noah Hair (black)* [ din.raymaker ]
Piercings: Pekka – Canion Unisex Piercing (silver)* [ kathya.szczepanski ]
Earring: mE. Jewelry – Domum’s Cross Earring (black) [ melody.dominquez ]
Makeup: Nomine – Carter Makeup Tattoo** [ munchflower.zaius ]
Eyes: IKON – Sunrise Eyes (light sand) [ ikon.innovia ]
Tattoo: Identity Body Shop – Black Stripes V [ melissa.hindrabar ]
Collar: Forsaken – Mens Collar (old hunt gift) [ vincentvile.desantis ]
Nails: Rozoregalia – Gemma Ring & Nail 2 [ yumi.pausch ]
Ring: Lapointe & Bastchild – Sugar Skull Ring (diamond) [ paul.lapointe ]
Skin: Fruk – Bennett (Rock of Ages – old Mens Dept collection Ltd Ed.) [chucky.hollak ]
*Current (August) Mens Dept collection
**Review copy