“I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me. That, or His Dudeness … Duder … or El Duderino, if, you know, you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”
Just a quickie today, since I have some good news for you virtual blokes out there (and for the virtual ladies with virtual male alts).
I hope you’ll be able to log into Second Life on Friday 23rd November, my sartorial darlings, because Catwa Clip has a real treat for you. Her new male Bento head—named Dude—will be released on that day, and from 00:01hrs SL Time to 23:59hrs SL Time on that day only it will be half price. That’s a Catwa Bento head for just L$2,500 instead of L$5,000. Buy from the inworld store and you also get store credit to put against future purchases.
UPDATE: The half price offer is now over.
Here’s my quick take on ‘Dude’, with a few tweaks of the shape to personalise him:
Dude has a lower lip to die for, and at half price for Black Friday 2018 he’s a steal.
IMPORTANT: Be aware that this head has some tweaks made to the rigged eyes to make them sit further forward in the head, so your old Catwa bento shapes will not look their best on it. (Try ’em and you’ll see what I mean.) Make sure you begin with the included starter shape, which you can then edit to suit you. I have Skell’s body numbers written down in a file, so every shape that I get has those changed immediately, before I begin work on the face.
Here’s the ad image for Dude:

You can pick him up from the Catwa store starting this Friday 23rd November. The limited time half price offer on this head runs from 00:01hrs SL Time on Friday 23rd November until 23:59hrs SL Time on the same day. After that the head will return to its full L$5,000 price. Remember: the times are for Second Life Time, not your local timezone, so check the time in your viewer!
UPDATE: The half price offer is now over.
If Dude is your first Catwa Bento head, check out my Noob Dude – Beginner’s Guide to Catwa Bento Mesh Heads for the Second Life Male Avatar post, to get you set up and started :-)
Credits for my image
Head: Catwa – Dude* (Bento)
Skin applier: Birth – Miller (T1)
Hair: VoltHair – Enzo (B&W)
Shirt: Contraption – Scholar’s Bound Waistcoat
Ears: L’Etre – Olympe Mesh Ears
Facial Hair: CDC Creations – Beard 46 Tintable
Eye appliers: Avi-Glam – Elysian Eyes (fjord)
Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop – Thick Brows
Eyeshadow: Zibska – Noir Pack 13
*review copy