My last couple of logins to Second Life were just for spending precious time with my gorgeous boy, so no fashionisto stuff happened. (Hey, there were kisses and cuddles and, uh, other stuff [*g*] in the offing; there’s no way I’m going to spend that time flinging pixel clothing!) So, by way of keeping up some regular posts on the blog when I don’t get around to new stuff, I’m going to post some old stuff. And yeah, yeah, much of it won’t be available any more. I know; blame my over-large inventory and long-held shopping habit.
Today’s retro shot is called ‘Blondie’, for somewhat obvious reasons.

The hair is from Shag, but as far as I know this style is no longer available. Now, I was a longtime-supporter of the Shag store, buying practically every single male – and a couple of female – styles that suited Skell. Then, the notice went out that the store was moving, there was a release to Mens Dept in 2012, and I’ve heard nothing since. I know that the creator must have been around in early April 2013, because he has his newest styles listed on Marketplace, and 2nd April 2013 was when Marketplace shifted fully to Direct Delivery. Anything not switched over to DD by then would vanish. However, I’m always hesitant to contact a creator who hasn’t been heard from in a long time, because… well, one never knows what’s happened in real life.
The shades, again, are no longer available. These were from FNKY! which was a great store, especially for sunglasses. Older avatars might have visited there, because FNKY! shared a store with Cake, which was a very well-known hair store a few years back. I absolutely adore these shades; the shine on them and the way the lenses blend. Gorgeous stuff.
The jacket is from Aoharu, and – since I’ve not visited that store in a while now – I’m not sure if it’s available. (I really am no use whatsoever today when it comes to this shit, am I?!) It came with two collars: one furred (shown) and one plain. It’s an older, sculpted jacket, but still looks great. Honestly, I don’t know why some people so resolutely ditched everything they’d bought in the past when mesh came along. I think most of us have discovered how difficult it is to find mesh pants that will fit into mesh boots, so clothing-layer, and sculpt-leg pants are still bloody handy things to have for some looks.
The skin, ah now that IS available! It’s by Birth, one of my favourite skin stores. Originally offered as an early preview at Menswear Fashion Week in, I think, 2012, I jumped on it back then. It later moved to the store (much later, if memory serves me well). What I love most about it is the character lines around the mouth. They give a slight smirk to the lips from some angles, but they also add maturity to the skin, and with so many skins looking ageless these days, that’s a good thing.
I’m pretty certain the piercings are also still available, from Phoebe Piercings. Phoebe has some great cheap offers (and a couple of freebies, last time I looked), so it’s worth looking the store up.
Incidentally, you know how I’m always saying my memory for what I have in my inventory is pretty good? This entire post was written from memory, so yeah ;-) [ The only thing I’m a shade hesitant on is the jacket, but I’m confident enough in my memory that I’ll blog it anyway. I’ll log in and actually check in my inventory when I get a chance to, in a couple of hours. ]